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음성기호: [ striŋ ]  발음
동사 과거: strung   동사 과거분사: strung   명사 복수: strings   동사 현재분사: stringing   
"string" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, a person on a ~ 아무를 마음대로 조종하다
    vt, 을 달다, ...의 현을 조르다, (기분을)긴장시키다(up), 흥분시키다, (콩 따위의)섬유를 떼다, 일렬로 늘어세우다(out), 속이다
    vi, 실이되다, 줄지어 나아가다, ~out 늘이다, 펼치다, ~up 목졸라 죽이다,


  • We just have a little trouble stringing them together.
    그저 그 날들을 어떻게 연결해야 하는지가 문제라면 문제죠
  • To see the masters who pull your strings.
    당신에 붙은 끈을 잡은 주인을 보게 돼
  • Downfield is a rookie wide receiver, third string.
    그 순간, 건너편에 있던 신참내기 와이드 리시버가
  • We'll run into the first string around 11:00 tonight.
    오늘 밤 11시쯤에 첫 작업을 시작할 거야
  • I definitely did not hear people whispering.
    줄 당기는 소리지 뭐 Like a string being pulled.
  • Well,you are holding your string too tight... -Oh,oh,shut up.
    -응 너는 실을 너무 팽팽하게 잡고 있었어
  • You managed to string three words together in a sentence.
    nbsp; 세 단어를 한 문장에서 쓰는 걸 성공하셨군요
  • I was stringing hannumas lights, and a shingle came loose.
    하누마스 전등을 달고 있었는데 지붕 널판이 헐거워졌어요
  • Well... the wife thinks someone's pulling the strings.
    하지만... 그의 아내는 배후세력이 있다고 생각해요.
  • You've been pulling all the strings, all along.
    그동안 모든 걸 혼자 계획했던 거군
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • stringed instruments that are played with a bow; "the strings played superlatively well"
    유의어: bowed stringed instrument,

  • a necklace made by a stringing objects together; "a string of beads"; "a strand of pearls";
    유의어: chain, strand,

  • a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening; "he pulled the drawstring and closed the bag"
    유의어: drawstring, drawing string,

  • a lightweight cord
    유의어: twine,

  • a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed

  • a collection of objects threaded on a single strand

  • a linear sequence of symbols (characters or words or phrases)

  • a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding; "a string of islands"; "train of mourners"; "a train of thought"
    유의어: train,

  • (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
    유의어: cosmic string,

  • a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)

  • 동사
  • add as if on a string; "string these ideas together"; "string up these songs and you''ll have a musical"
    유의어: string up,

  • provide with strings; "string my guitar"

  • thread on or as if on a string; "string pearls on a string"; "the child drew glass beads on a string"; "thread dried cranberries"
    유의어: thread, draw,

  • remove the stringy parts of; "string beans"

  • string together; tie or fasten with a string; "string the package"

  • stretch out or arrange like a string

  • move or come along
    유의어: string along,

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