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동사 과거: tinkered   동사 과거분사: tinkered   명사 복수: tinkers   동사 현재분사: tinkering   
"tinker" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • noun, 땜장이, 서투른 일(장색)


  • We'd go to his workshop and tinker, build a toy.
    우린 그의 작업장에 가서 장난감을 수리하고 만들기도 했어
  • ..and the stranger known as Tom the Tinker!
    ..땜장이 톰이라는 이방인 사이에 겨루기가 있겠습니다!
  • I tinkered with the deepest reaches of his subconscious.
    내가 그의 잠재의식의 깊은곳을 좀 손봐줬거든
  • You know that viruses don't like to be tinkered with.
    바이러스는 어설프게 다루면 결과가 잘 안나오죠
  • We've been tinkering with my core code.
    우린 내 코어 코드에 손댔지
  • Like a brunette surgical tinker bell.
    수술하는 갈색 머리 팅커벨 같잖아
  • Yeah, but you'd have tinkered with it till it went away, right?
    하지만 네가 땜질했잖아. 그렇지?
  • Tinker just lasers him to death.
    땜장이가 레이저로 처리합니다
  • Dad started going into the garage and tinkering with a little project he called humanity.
    아빠는 차고에 들어가 인간이라는 작은 프로젝트를 매만지기 시작했어요.
  • Nice boots, Tinker Bell!
    부츠 예쁘네, 팅커벨!
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영어 뜻

  • small mackerel found nearly worldwide
    유의어: chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus,

  • formerly a person (traditionally a Gypsy) who traveled from place to place mending pots and kettles and other metal utensils as a way to earn a living

  • a person who enjoys fixing and experimenting with machines and their parts
    유의어: tinkerer,

  • 동사
  • try to fix or mend; "Can you tinker with the T.V. set--it''s not working right"; "She always fiddles with her van on the weekend"
    유의어: fiddle,

  • do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly; "The old lady is usually mucking about in her little house"
    유의어: putter, mess around, potter, monkey, monkey around, muck about, muck around,

  • work as a tinker or tinkerer

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