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음성기호: [ tri'mendəs ]  발음
"tremendous" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • adjective, 무서운, 무시무시한, 대단한, 굉장한, 멋진, have a ~ time아주 멋지게 지내다


  • You have already done yourselves a tremendous service.
    여러분은 이미 각자에게 아주 굉장한 서비스를 받은거에요
  • He says you have a tremendous amount of it here.
    흑요석, 오석이라고도 하죠 그의 말로는 여기 매장량이 대단하답니다
  • You left yourself and the hospital open to tremendous liability.
    당신의 일 때문에 병원은 결국 엄청난 책임을 져야만 해요
  • And this is a violent cut, done with tremendous force.
    난폭하게 자른거야 어쩌면 제의적인 것이었을 수도 있죠
  • Your father's body is diseased and has undergone tremendous trauma.
    아버님의 신체는 병약해져 있고 극심한 손상을 입은데다
  • You know what a tremendous fan I am.
    내 말을 못 들은 걸로 해줘
  • This boy has done something tremendous for us.
    이 청년이 우리에게 엄청난 일을 해냈지
  • Something so tremendous done by something so simple.
    간단한 것에 의해서 엄청난 것이 끝나버렸어.
  • An unsettling amount killed And a tremendous amount wounded.
    수없이 죽었고, 엄청난 부상자가 쏟아져 나왔죠
  • Tremendous pressure leads to a tremendous explosion.
    그 엄청난 기압이 엄청난 폭발을 만든다구.
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3  4  5

영어 뜻

  • extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree; "an enormous boulder"; "enormous expenses"; "tremendous sweeping plains"; "a tremendous fact in human experience; that a whole civilization should be dependent on technology"- Walter Lippman; "a plane took off with a tremendous noise"
    유의어: enormous,

  • extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as intensifiers; "a fantastic trip to the Orient"; "the film was fantastic!"; "a howling success"; "a marvelous collection of rare books"; "had a rattling conversation about politics"; "a tremendous achievement"
    유의어: fantastic, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, wonderful, wondrous,

  • extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact; "in a frightful hurry"; "spent a frightful amount of money"
    유의어: frightful, terrible, awful,

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