로그인 회원가입


"vagueness" 예문

국어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 불선명
  • 애매


  • Explicit data is just that: information that's fully revealed or expressed without vagueness or ambiguity.
    명시적 데이터란 모호성이나 애매성없이 완전히 노출되거나 해명된 정보입니다.

영어 뜻

  • indistinctness of shape or character; "the scene had the swirling vagueness of a painting by Turner"

  • unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not coherent in meaning; "the Conservative manifesto is a model of vagueness"; "these terms were used with a vagueness that suggested little or no thought about what each might convey"

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