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가물치과 영어로


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  • Channidae
  • 가물치    가물치 『魚』 a snakehead; a snakehead mullet[fish].
  • 가물치속    Channa
  • 실론가물치    Ceylon snakehead
  • 무지개가물치    Channa bleheri
  • 아프리카가물치속    Parachanna
  • 물치    물치 『魚』 a frigate mackerel.
  • 가물    가물 a drought; dry weather; a dry spell. 오랜 ~ a long drought / a (long) spell of dry weather. 오랜 ~로 인한 벼의 피해 damage to the rice crop caused by a prolonged drought. ~에 단비 (a) welcome rain during the d
  • 치과    치과 [齒科]1 『醫』 dental surgery; dentistry; dental service.2 ☞ 치과 의원▷ 치과 교정학 orthodontics; orthodontia.▷ 치과 기공(사) a dental technician. ~ 기공학 prosthodontia.▷ 치과 기구 dentists' tools; a dental[dentist's] in
  • 가물가물    가물가물1 (불빛이) flickeringly; shimmeringly; blinkingly. 촛불이 바람에 ~하다가 꺼졌다 The candle flickered in the wind and went out. / The candle flickered out in the wind.2 (먼 데 있는 것이) vaguely; dimly; hazily.3 (정신이
  • 가물다    가물다 be in (a spell of) drought; be droughty[rainless]. 날씨가 7월 말부터 가물고 있다 We have had dry weather since the end of July. 오랫동안 가물어서 우물물이 많이 줄었다 Owing to a long spell of dry weather, the well has consi
  • 봄가물    봄가물 spring drought[dry spell].
  • 부가물    appendage; supplement; adjunct; addition
  • 불가물    불가물 [심한 가물] a severe drought.
  • 증가물    accession; augmentation
  • 첨가물    additive; addition
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