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가위눌리다 영어로

"가위눌리다" 뜻"가위눌리다" 중국어

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  • 가위눌리다 have a nightmare[an incubus]; be afflicted by[with] nightmare; suffer from a nightmare; be troubled[oppressed / tortured] by[with] a nightmare.
    가위눌려서 소리를 지르다 cry out in one's sleep.
    자주 ~ have the nightmare habits.
  • 가위눌림    Sleep paralysis
  • 눌리다    눌리다11 [누름을 당하다] be pressed down; be kept[held] down. 납작하게 ~ be pressed flat. 눌려 죽다 be crushed to death.2 [압도당하다] be suppressed; be put down; be repressed; be oppressed. 다수에 ~ be overwhelmed by numbe
  • 억눌리다    억눌리다 get pressed down; be repressed[suppressed]. ☞ 억누르다
  • 짓눌리다    짓눌리다 be weighed down; be crushed[squashed]; be flattened; be struck[knocked] all of a heap. 근심 걱정에 ~ be oppressed with[by] worry.
  • 가위    가위1 scissors; shears(큰); clippers(털 등을 깎는); snips(양철 등을 자르는); a punch(차표 등을 찍는). ~ 한 자루 a pair of scissors. ~로 자르다 cut with scissors[shears] / scissor / shear. ~로 다듬다[깎다] nip / snip / clip / prune
  • 눌리어    before
  • 왕가위 왕가위    Wong Kar-wai
  • 가위 (영화)    Nightmare (2000 film)
  • 가위 막기    palm press block
  • 가위벌    upholsterer bee
  • 가위손    Edward Scissorhands
  • 가위질    가위질 scissoring; shearing; (정원수의) trimming; pruning. ~하다 cut with scissors[shears]; scissor; shear; put scissors ; (정원수를) trim[prune] .
  • 가위춤    가위춤 (엿장수 등의) a scissors rattling; (헛가위질) idling a pair of scissors. ~ 추다 rattle[clatter] one's scissors / fiddle[twiddle] with one's scissors.
  • 갈가위    갈가위 [인색한 사람] a closefisted[tightfisted / stingy] person; a grasping[greedy] fellow; a money grubber; a tightwad. 그는 ~ 같다 He is grasping.
  • 손가위    scissors
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