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간접번역 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Indirect translation
  • 간접    간접 [間接] indirectness. ~의 =간접적.▷ 간접 가열기 an indirect heater.▷ 간접 공임 [-工賃] indirect labor cost.▷ 간접광 [-光] borrowed light.▷ 간접 국세 an indirect national tax.▷ 간접 난방 indirect heating.▷ 간접 목적어 an indirect o
  • 번역    번역 [飜譯·¿] (a) translation; rendering; a version. 원문에 충실한 ~ a translation faithful to the original. 명쾌한 ~ a lucid translation. 서투른 ~ a poor translation. 그는 ~으로 생활한다 He makes a living by doing transla
  • 간접 분기    Indirect branch
  • 간접 흡연    Passive smoking
  • 간접비    overheads; overhead; indirect cost
  • 간접의    indirect; pre-owned; roundabout; second hand
  • 간접적    간접적 [間接的] indirect; mediate; secondhand; [말을 에둘러 하는] round-about; backhanded; oblique. ~으로 indirectly / at second hand / by indirection / in a roundabout way. ~으로 듣다 have the news at secondhand / le
  • 간접 대화행위    indirect speech act
  • 간접 목적어    indirect object
  • 간접 프리킥    Indirect free kick
  • 간접금융    Indirect finance
  • 간접적으로    indirectly
  • 간접적인    backhand; indirect
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