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갈파래사촌과 영어로


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  • Kornmanniaceae
  • 갈파래강 갈파래강    Ulvophyceae
  • 갈파래과    Ulvaceae
  • 갈파래목    Ulvales
  • 갈파래속    Sea lettuce
  • 왕뱀사촌과    Bolyeriidae
  • 개개비사촌과    Cisticolidae
  • 할미새사촌과    Cuckooshrike
  • 후투티사촌과    Phoeniculidae
  • 벌잡이새사촌과    Momotidae
  • 갈파    갈파 [喝破]1 [남의 이론 등을 뒤엎음]. ~하다 overthrow[overturn / explode / disprove] ; knock the bottom out of .2 [진리를 밝혀 말함] proclamation; pronouncement . ~하다 declare; affirm; proclaim; expound; pronounce. 지구는 둥글
  • 파래    파래 『植』 green laver; (a) sea lettuce.
  • 사촌    사촌 [四寸] a cousin; a first[full] cousin. 외~ a cousin on the mother's side. 이웃 ~ A good neighbor is better than a brother far off.▷ 사촌간 cousinship; cousinhood. 그와 나는 ~간이다 He is cousin to me.▷ 사촌 형제[자매
  • 파래박    파래박 a gourd vessel used for bailing water out of a boat.
  • 근미래사 연표    Timeline of the near future
  • 모래사장    모래 사장 [-砂場] =모래톱.
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