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강제처분 영어로

"강제처분" 예문

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  • 강제 처분 [强制處分] legal disposition; compulsory execution.
    ~하다 dispose of by legal force; appeal[resort] to compulsory measures.
  • 처분    처분 [處分] [처치] disposal; disposition; dealing; a measure; [처벌] punishment. 쓰레기의 ~ garbage disposal. 공매 ~ (disposition by) public sale. 매각 ~ disposition by sale. 부당 ~ an unwarrantable proceeding[measur
  • 법제처    legislature
  • 강제    강제 [强制] compulsion; coercion; constraint; forcing; duress. ~적인 compulsory / coercive / forced. ~적으로 forcibly / by force / compulsorily / by compulsion / coercively. ~로 수용하다 take into custody. ~하다
  • 강제 강제    Coercion
  • 가처분    가처분 [假處分] 『法』 provisional disposition. ~ 신청을 하다 apply for an[a provisional] injunction. ~하다 make provisional disposition ; arrange temporary disposition of; dispose of for the time being.
  • 미처분    미처분 [未處分] ~의 unfinished / undisposed .▷ 미처분 이익 undivided profit.
  • 처분의    disposal
  • 대한민국 법제처    Ministry of Government Legislation
  • 강제법 강제법    Forcing (mathematics)
  • 가처분 소득    Disposable and discretionary income
  • 가처분소득    가처분 소득 [可處分所得] 『法』 a disposable income.
  • 공매처분    공매 처분 [公賣處分] (disposition by) public sale; (a) public sale of confiscated property; (a) tax sale; selling up.
  • 교수형 처분의    hanging
  • 을 처분하다    dispose of
  • 징계처분    징계 처분 [懲戒處分] a disciplinary measure; disciplinary action. ~을 받다 be submitted to disciplinary punishment. 회사는 파업 참가자를 전원 ~을 했다 The company took disciplinary action against all the employees who had t
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