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"건축" 예문"건축" 뜻"건축" 중국어

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  • 건축 [建築] [건조] construction; building; erection; [건축물] a building; a structure; <집합적> architecture.
    목조[콘크리트]~ a wooden[concrete] building.
    ~상의 architectural.
    ~ 중이다 be under[in course of] construction.
    근대식 ~ modern architecture.
    르네상스 양식의 ~ architecture[a building] in the Renaissance style.
    그 아파트는 지금 ~ 중이다 The apartment house is now being built.
    ~에 부정이 있다 There is something scandalous in connection with the building.
    ~하다 build; construct; erect; set up; put up.
    ~되다 get built.
    자기 집을 ~하다 build oneself a house(자신이) / have one's house built(타인이).
    이 교사는 근년에 ~한 것이다 The schoolhouse is of recent construction.▷ 건축가 an architect.▷ 건축 공사 construction work.▷ 건축 공학 architectural engineering.▷ 건축 기사 a building engineer; an architect.▷ 건축 기술 building-construction techniques.▷ 건축 기준법 [-基準法] 『法』 the Building Standards Act.▷ 건축 노동자 a construction worker.▷ 건축 면적 building area.▷ 건축물 a building; a structure; <집합적> architecture.▷ 건축 법규 the building law.▷ 건축 부지 a building site.▷ 건축붐 building[construction] boom.▷ 건축비 the cost of construction; construction expenditure.▷ 건축사 an authorized architect and builder; a registered architect.▷ 건축 설계 architectural design.▷ 건축세 the tax on construction; the building tax.▷ 건축 양식 a style of building[architecture].
    고딕 ~ 양식의 교회 a church in Gothic style / a Gothic style church.▷ 건축업 the building trade.▷ 건축업자 a builder; a constructor.▷ 건축용 철재 structural iron[steel].▷ 건축 음향학 architectural acoustics.▷ 건축 자재 building[construction] materials.▷ 건축 조합 a building society; <美> a building and loan association.▷ 건축주 [-主] an owner; a client.▷ 건축 청부업자 a (building) contractor.▷ 건축 통제 building control[regulation].▷ 건축학[술] architecture; architectonics; the science[art] of construction.▷ 건축 허가 a building permit.▷ 건축 화가 an architectural painter.▷ 건축 회사 a building company; an architectural[a construction] firm.


  • It's an odd shape for architecture this period.
    이 시대 건축 양식과는 상당히 동떨어진 모양이군요
  • That lets you create closed loops. Like the Penrose Steps.
    현실에서 불가능한 건축 구조물을 꿈속에서는 마음대로 꾸며낼 수 있지
  • I'm always interested in rare architecture books.
    전 희귀한 건축 서적에 관심이 많습니다
  • I tried to help him, but the scaffolding was all over...
    그 녀석을 도와 주려고 했는데 건축 비계가 덮쳤어요
  • She works at the same architectural firm as her latest victim.
    엘렌은 마지막 피해자와 같은 건축 설계 사무소에서 일했어요
  • You know I had a full ride to UT architecture school.
    나도 예전엔 UT 건축 학교에 모든 비용까지 지불되 있었어.
  • Oh,and,uh,so you know,I don't read "architectural digest"In the o.R.
    오 그리고 아시는지 모르겠는데 제가 수술실에서 건축 잡지를 읽은 게 아니고
  • It's a fancy way of saying "apprentice architect."
    건축 견습생을 고급스럽게 표현한 말일뿐이지만요
  • Logging reasonable hours sitting on your behind
    "건축 다이제스트" 이런 잡지나 보면서
  • Takes out a construction loan, throws up a building and off he goes.
    그리고 건축 대출을 받죠 건물을 짓고나서 시작하는 거죠
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