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걷어채다 영어로

"걷어채다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 걷어채다 get a hard kick; be kicked hard.
    옆구리를 ~ get a hard kick[get kicked hard] on the side.
    그는 말한테 걷어채였다 He was kicked by a horse.
  • 채다    채다1 [값이 좀 오르다] the price rises[goes up] a little.채다21 [낚아채다] snatch (away) ; catch away; take by force; tear (off / away) from ; [덮치다] swoop off; [가로채다] seize by force; steal. 남의 단골을 ~ intrigue wi
  • 오징어채    Dried shredded squid
  • 되채다    되채다 pronounce easily and clearly; enunciate distinctly and naturally.
  • 뒤채다    뒤채다 [많다] be in excess; be superabundant; superfluous; [발길에 걸리다] get in the way; be obstructive; obstruct the way.
  • 보채다    보채다 fret; be fretful[peevish]; beg[whine / tease] for ; importune; grizzle. 보채는 아기 a fretful baby. 보채는 아이를 달래다 humor[soothe] a fretful child. 등에 업힌 젖먹이가 자꾸 보채고 있다 The baby on her back is fretting[pe
  • 오징어채볶음    Ojingeo-chae-bokkeum
  • 걷어 올리다    roll up; tuck
  • 걷어내다    remove; eliminate; shed; take away; discharge; get rid of; eject; take off; dismiss
  • 걷어부치다    tuck in
  • 걷어붙이다    걷어붙이다 tuck[roll] up . 바지를 무릎까지 걷어붙였다 I turned up my trousers to the knees. 그는 소매를 걷어붙였다 He rolled his sleeves up above his elbows. 그는 바지를 걷어붙이고 강으로 걸어들어갔다 He waded into the stream with his trousers
  • 걷어차다    걷어차다 kick hard; give a hard kick. 정강이를 ~ give a hard kick on the shin. 말이 사람의 머리를 걷어찼다 A horse kicked a person hard on the head.
  • 걷어치우다    걷어치우다1 [거두어 치우다] gather up and remove; clear away; put[take] away. 잡동사니를 ~ shift rubbish out of the way. 흩어진 물건을 ~ clear away scattered things.2 [그만두다] leave off; stop; quit; give up. 일을 ~ throw[giv
  • 양털 걷어 모으기    wool gathering
  • 가로채다    가로채다1 [낚아채다] snap (away) ; wrest ; take by force; tear (off / away) from . 오토바이를 탄 젊은 남자가 그녀의 손에서 돈뭉치를 가로채어 도망갔다 A young man on a motorcycle snatched[grabbed] a roll of bills from her hand and ran
  • 낌새채다    sniff; scent; smell
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