검산하다 영어로
"검산하다" 뜻
영어 번역
- verify accounts
- calculate
- 을 검산하다 prove
- 검산 검산 [檢算] verification of accounts; checking accounts; proving a calculation. ~하다 verify[check] accounts; 『數』 prove; check one's figures.
- 개산하다 estimate; calculate
- 계산하다 compute; take into account; include; place; figure out; count; pay; comprehend; subsume; calculate
- 과잉 생산하다 overproduce
- 교환 청산하다 clear
- 대량 생산하다 mass produce
- 도산하다 crash; break to pieces; smash; be splintered; become bankrupt
- 등산하다 hike; churl; go mountaineering; climb; climb a mountain; mountaineer
- 발산하다 diffuse; effuse; breath out; exhale; emanate; pour out; spread out
- 방산하다 disperse; dissipate; radiate
- 부산하다 부산하다1 [바쁘다] (noisily) busy; restless; bustling. 부산한 거리 a bustling[busy] street. 늘 부산한 사람 a restless person / a bustler. 일로 ~ bustle (up) with one's work. 부산히 restlessly; bustlingly. 부산히 돌아다니다 bustle
- 분산하다 decentralize
- 생산하다 publicize; manufacture; give birth; produce; present; cultivate
- 소산하다 exhale; breathe out