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견방 영어로

"견방" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 견방(적) [絹紡紡績績] =견사 방적.
  • 견미리    Kyeon Mi-ri
  • 견물생심    견물생심 [見物生心] Seeing is wanting. / The object gives rise to the desire. / Opportunity makes the thief.
  • 견본    견본 [見本] (상품의) a sample; [표본] a specimen; (무늬 등의) a pattern; (서적의) a sample copy. 상품 ~ a trade sample. 선적~ a shipment[shipping] sample. 수출 ~ an export sample. 표준 ~ a standard sample. 품질 ~ a quality s
  • 견문이 넓은    well informed; plugged in; in the loop; in the know
  • 견본 검사인    sampler
  • 견문발검    견문발검 [見蚊拔劍] ~하다 break a butterfly on the wheel; kill a fly with a long spear; draw the sword at a mosquito.
  • 견본 주택    Show house
  • 견문    견문 [見聞] [지식] information; knowledge; [경험] experience; [관찰] observation. ~을 넓히다 add to[enlarge] one's experience / widen[increase] one's knowledge / see more of the world. 그 사람은 ~이 넓다 He is well-info
  • 견본 채취    sampling
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