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계피차 영어로

"계피차" 예문

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  • Cinnamon tea
  • 계피    계피 [桂皮] cinnamon (bark); cassia bark.▷ 계피 과자 a cinnamon-seasoned cracknel.▷ 계피산 cinnamonic acid.▷ 계피유 cinnamon oil.▷ 계핏가루 cinnamon powder.
  • 피차    피차 [彼此] [저것과 이것] that and this; [서로] each other; you[he] and I; they and we; both sides[parties]. ~간 each other / between you and me / between both sides[parties]. ~ 사랑[미워] 하다 love[hate] each other.
  • 계피산    Cinnamic acid
  • 육계피    cinnamon
  • 피차노    Picciano
  • 선다 피차이    Sundar Pichai
  • 피차일반    피차 일반 [彼此一般] both the same; no difference between them[us / him and me]; equality between each other. ~이다 be mutually equal[the same]. 잘못하기는 ~이다 They are both to blame. 가난하기는 ~이다 You are not rich, n
  • 실론계피나무    Cinnamomum verum
  • 카테리나 시피차    Katerina Shpitsa
  • 인도네시아계피나무    Cinnamomum burmannii
  • 표트르 레오니도비치 카피차    Pyotr Kapitsa
  • 계하    계하 [季夏] [음력 6월] June of the lunar year; [늦여름] late summer.계하 [啓下] ~하다 obtain royal sanction ; be sanctioned by the king.계하 [階下] place below the stairs. ~에 down the stairs[stone steps].
  • 계표원    measurer
  • 계해    water pig
  • 계포    Ji Bu
  • 계해약조    Treaty of Gyehae
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