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고달프다 영어로

"고달프다" 예문"고달프다" 뜻"고달프다" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 고달프다1 (심신이) tired[fagged / worn] out; quite[dead / dog] tired; done[used / knocked] up; (totally) exhausted; <口> all[done] in.
    몸이 ~ have a tired body / be all worn out.
    마음이 ~ be worried / be fatigued in mind / be mentally fatigued.2 (일·시간이) tiring; fatiguing; wearing; weary; wearisome; tiresome; hard.
    고달픈 일 tiring[wearing / fatiguing / hard] work.
    고달픈 인생 a weary[hard] life.
    고달픈 나날 wearisome days.
  • 애달프다    애달프다 heartbreaking; aching; sorrowful; pathetic; painful; distressing; anguishing. 애달픈 소식 heartbreaking news. 애달픈 마음을 털어놓다 confess a heartrending sorrow. 그가 죽었다니 정말 애달픈 일이다 It is really heartbreakin
  • 고달    고달1 [괴통] a metal cap[ring]; a ferrule; [슴베] a tang; a tongue; a prong.고달21 [거만] haughtiness; arrogance; insolence. 되지못한 놈이 ~을 부리는 법이다 A man of straw is likely to put on airs.2 [보챔] fret; peevishness
  • 고달이    고달이 a handle; a hanger; an attached finger loop .
  • 간달프    gandalf
  • 칸달프    kandalf
  • 여주 고달사지    Godalsa
  • 고프다    고프다 hungry; famished. 배가 ~ be hungry / feel[get] hungry.
  • 부프다    부프다1 [부피가 크나 가볍다] bulky; voluminous. 부픈 짐 a bulky package. 그것은 부프나 가볍다 It is bulky but light.2 [성급하다] hasty; impatient; rash. 그는 성미가 부픈 사람이다 He is a rash person.
  • 슬프다    슬프다1 (마음이) sad; sorrowful; unhappy; doleful; mournful; miserable. 슬픈 목소리 a plaintive[sorrowful] voice. 슬픈 표정[모습] a sad look[countenance / face]. 슬픈 나머지 in (the excess of) one's sorrow[grief]. 슬픈 생각
  • 아프다    아프다1 (육체적으로) painful; sore(염증 등으로); hurt; [욱신거리다] prickle; feel prickly; smart; ache. 아픈 상처 a painful wound. 가슴이 ~ I have a pain in my chest. / [죄는 듯하다] I feel something pressing[as if something is
  • 헤프다    헤프다1 (물건이) not durable; soon used up; do not stand long use[give a long service]; do not last long; go fast. 요새 돈이~ Money doesn't go far these days. 이 비누는 ~ This soap doesn't last long.2 (씀씀이가) une
  • 가냘프다    가냘프다1 (목소리가) [힘이 없다] feeble; [희미하다] faint. 가냘픈 목소리로 in a feeble voice. 그 아이는 가냘픈 목소리로 울고 있었다 The baby was crying feebly.2 (몸이) [호리호리하다] slim; slender; slight; [약하다] weak; feeble; frail. 가냘픈 팔 a thin
  • 구슬프다    구슬프다 sad; sorrowful; plaintive; pathetic; touching; doleful; melancholy; mournful. 구슬피[구슬프게] sadly / sorrowfully / plaintively / dolefully / mournfully. 구슬픈 목소리 a plaintive[sorrowful] voice. 구슬픈 이야기
  • 배가 고프다    hunger; get hungry; hungry
  • 배고프다    배고프다 hungry; sharp-set; feel[be / get] hungry. 배고픈 김에 마구 먹다 indulge one's appetite to excess. 배고파하다 complain of hunger. 배고파 죽겠다 I'm starving (to death). / I am dying of hunger. / I'm famished. / I'


  • It is what it is. Life is hard.
    삶은 고달프다 딱 그날이네요
  • We were extremely lucky not to have financial worries – more about that later – but families we knew struggled to cover the costs of medicine, therapies, adaptive equipment, and sometimes live-in caregivers. I can't sugarcoat it: disability is tough.
    우리 가족은 재정적인 염려가 없었기에 매우 행운이었지만, 우리가 아는 다른 가족들은 약, 각종 치료, 장비, 그리고 주거하는 간병인들의 비용을 감당하기 위해 애를 쓰고 있는 실정이다. 나는 꾸며서 말하지 않으련다. 장애는 고달프다.
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