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고상전역 영어로

"고상전역" 중국어

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  • Gosangjeon station
  • 상전    상전 [上典] [주인] one's master; [고용주] the employer; [상관] one's higher[superior] officer. ~을 깍듯이 섬기다 serve one's master faithfully. ~의 명령에 복종하다 obey the orders of one's master[superior].상전 [桑田] a mulberry
  • 고상    고상 [高尙] nobleness; refinement; elegance; high-mindedness. ~하다 noble; lofty; high; (품위가) refined; elegant; high-minded; high-toned; elevated. ~한 독자 a highbrow reader. ~한 목적 a lofty aim. ~한 사상 a lofty
  • 강상전    Riverine warfare
  • 상전이    Phase transition
  • 수상전    Capturing race
  • 전역    전역 [全域] the whole area[region]. 호남 ~이 태풍 20호의 피해를 입었다 The whole Honam area was hit by typhoon No. 20. 그의 발견은 자연 과학 ~에 영향을 미쳤다 This discovery of his affected every field of natural science.전역 [全譯] a
  • 고상한    lofty; arrogant; elevated; obsequious; aulic; curial; flattering; dignified; high-minded
  • 고상함    decorum; decency
  • 석고상    plaster
  • 휴고상    hugo award
  • 3상전력    Three-phase electric power
  • 영상전화    Videophone
  • 조상전래의    hereditary; ancestrial; ancestral; transmittable; ancestorial
  • 고상 (삼국지)    Gao Xiang (Three Kingdoms)
  • 고상치못한    countrified
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