공동선 영어로
"공동선" 예문"공동선" 중국어
영어 번역
- Common good
- 공동선언 Joint Declaration
- 이탈리아 공동선 Italy. Common Good
- 한일공동선언 Japan–South Korea Joint Declaration of 1998
- 6·15 남북 공동선언 June 15th North–South Joint Declaration
- 한반도의 비핵화에 관한 공동선언 Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
- 동선 동선 [同船] [같은 배] the same ship; [배를 같이 탐] taking the same ship. ~하다 take the same ship; sail on[in] the same vessel; be in[on] the same vessel. 그와 ~했다 I was[sailed] on the same ship with him. / I took
- 남동선 남동선 Namdong Line
- 영동선 영동선 Yeongdong Line
- 공동 공동 [共同] cooperation; collaboration; union; association; partnership. ~의 common / communal / joint / concerted / united / public(공공의). ~의 적 a common enemy. ~의 이익을 위하여 for the common benefit[interests
- 3동선 trimaran
- 동선 문화 Dong Son culture
- 동선현 Đông Sơn District
- 쌍동선 쌍동선 [雙胴船] twin-hulled ship.
- 영동선 yeongdong line
- 재동선 Chaedong Line
- One of mankind's most primal urges is the need to regal others with tales of where you've been.
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