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교육성 영어로

"교육성" 예문

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  • Congregation for Catholic Education
  • 육성    육성 [肉聲] a natural voice; a (human) voice. 비록 ~이었으나 그의 목소리는 홀의 구석구석까지 잘 들렸다 Though he did not use a microphone, his voice reached every corner of the hall. 나는 그녀의 ~을 들은 적이 없다 I haven't heard her voic
  • 다육성    corpulence; adiposity; pinguidity; obesity
  • 목축 육성    stock raising
  • 산림 육성    forestry
  • 육성재    Yook Sung-jae
  • 육성학    thremmatology
  • 육성형    solomon’s seal
  • 목축 육성업    stock raising
  • 목축 육성업의    stock raising
  • 목축 육성의    stock raising
  • 향근육성    musculotropic
  • 교육    교육 [敎育] education; [학교 교육] schooling; [교수] instruction; teaching; [훈련] training; [훈육] discipline; [교양] culture; [양육] upbringing; breeding. 의무 ~ compulsory education. 초등[중등 / 고등] ~ elementary (or pri
  • 마법소녀 육성계획    Magical Girl Raising Project
  • 우수대학육성정책    German Excellence Universities
  • 육성 시뮬레이션 게임    Raising sims
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