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교활 영어로

"교활" 예문"교활" 뜻"교활" 중국어

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  • 교활 [狡猾] cunning; slyness; craftiness; craft; artfulness.
    ~하다 cunning; sly; crafty; wily; sneaky; foxy; tricky.
    ~한 사람 a crafty[tricky] person; <俗> an old fox; <俗> a sly dog.
    ~한 눈의 남자 a man with shifty eyes.
    ~한 꾀 a sly[an underhand / a sneaky] trick.
    ~한 상행위 underhand business practice.
    그는 ~한 짓을 한다 He behaves dishonestly. / (경기에서) He plays foul[dirty].
    그는 ~하다 He is a wily person. / He is full of guile[cunning].
    ~히 cunningly; slyly; with a trick.
  • 교활한    uncandid; skillful; politic; cunning; tricky; unworthy; crafty; roguish; devious; tricksy; huggermugger; fawce; underhanded; artful; on the sly; dexterous; insidious; sly; shifty; sheisty; nimble; a
  • 교활함    urbanity; nicety; daintiness; craftiness; subtlety; sheerness; subtilty; cunning; slyness
  • 교활하게    craftily; on the sly; skilfully; dexterously; slyly; cunningly; foxily; archly; sneakingly
  • 교활하는 것    foxiness
  • 교활하다    crafty; roguish; sly; dexterous; cunning; shifty; wily; underhanded; deadpan; scampish; mestizo; artful; devious; deceitful; practic; huggermugger; fawce
  • 교활하지 않은    unartful
  • 교활한 녀석    cheat
  • 교활한 놈    coon
  • 교활한 사나이    weasel
  • 교활한 사람    sharpy; fox
  • 교환할수 없는    inconvertible
  • 교환할 수 있는    interchangeable; permutable; exchangeable; permutional; commutable; convertible
  • 교환할 수 없는    incommutable
  • 교환학생    교환 학생 [交換學生] an interchange[exchange] student. ~으로서 미국의 대학에 가다 attend a U.S. university on an exchange scholarship.
  • 교환하다    take the place of; confuse; change; subrogate; swap; switch; trade; exchange; substitute; reciprocate; commute; compensate for; stand in for; shift; replace


  • Distrust, presumption, artful guile, Pride, envy, slavish fear.
    불신, 가정, 교묘한 교활, 교만, 시기, 탐욕, 탐식, 노예 두려움.
  • Paul says, he refuses to be crafty or mess with the Word.
    바울은 말한다, 그는 말씀과 교활 또는 엉망 거부.
  • Put your art and memory skills to the test with these tricksy shapes.
    이런 교활 형태로 시험에 예술 및 메모리 기술을 넣어.
  • Paul then says, "We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word."
    바울은 말한다, "우리는 교활 연습을 하나님의 말씀을 조작 거부합니다."
  • These passions have many forms such as attachments, hatred, enmity, hostility, arrogance, craftiness, trickery, lust, greed, and possessive propensity, etc.
    이 열정에는 부착, 증오심, 증오, 적의, 거만, 교활, 속임수, 정욕, 욕심, 및 소유 성향, etc.
  • Money Balance 2 is a sequel of the very exciting puzzle game Money Balance in which you can test your ability to keep the balance and be cunning!
    돈의 균형이 당신이 균형을 유지하고 교활 할 수있는 능력을 테스트 할 수있는 매우 흥미로운 퍼즐 게임 머니 균형의 속편이다!
  • We are told in Scripture of their confederacy and government, of their various orders, of their intelligence and subtlety, and of their malicious designs against the peace and happiness of men.
    우리는 성경에서 그들의 동맹과 정부 , 여러 가지 계급 , 그들의 지혜와 교활 , 인류의 평화와 행복을 파괴하기 위한 악의들을 알고 있다 .
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