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구본무 영어로

"구본무" 예문"구본무" 중국어

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  • Koo Bon-moo
  • 본무    본무 [本務]1 [본분] one's duty; the proper function.2 [본래의 업무] one's regular[main] business. 우선 ~에 힘쓰시오 Attend to your business first. / Sweep before your own door.3 『倫』 moral duty[obligation].
  • 본무대    본무대 [本舞臺] 정치의 ~에 뛰어들다 make a sudden debut into the world of politics / make a sudden entrance onto the political stage. 그는 ~의 경험이 풍부한 외교관이다 He has had a great deal of experience on the diplomatic st
  • 구본길    Gu Bon-gil
  • 구본상    Koo Bon-sang
  • 구본승    Gu Bon-seung
  • 구본찬    Ku Bon-chan
  • 지구본    planet earth; globe; sphere; ball
  • 일본무도관    Nippon Budokan
  • 구본혁 (축구 선수)    Koo Bon-hyeok
  • 일본무역진흥기구    Japan External Trade Organization
  • 아메리카 표시 지구본    globe showing americas
  • 아시아 대륙 표시 지구본    globe showing asia-australia
  • 유럽 아프리카 대륙 표시 지구본    globe showing europe-africa
  • 구복류    Solenogastres
  • 구복    구복 [口腹] mouth and stomach; [생계] living; subsistence. ~지계 a means of living. ~을 채우다 satisfy one's appetite / eat one's fill. ~이 원수로다 Hunger is the source of one's humiliation.
  • 구보타정    Kubota, Saga
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