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국제열핵융합실험로 영어로

"국제열핵융합실험로" 예문"국제열핵융합실험로" 중국어

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  • iter
  • 핵융합 핵융합    Nuclear fusion
  • 핵융합    fusion; nuclear fusion; core meltdown
  • 상온 핵융합 상온 핵융합    Cold fusion
  • 관성 봉입 핵융합    Inertial confinement fusion
  • 기포 핵융합    Bubble fusion
  • 뮤온 촉매 핵융합    Muon-catalyzed fusion
  • 핵융합 발전    Fusion power
  • 핵융합로    thermonuclear reactor
  • 핵융합폭탄    hydrogen bomb
  • 헬륨핵융합    helium fusion
  • 험로    험로 [險路] a rough[rugged] road; a breakneck road; a hard[steep] pass. 다음 마을까지는 정글 뚫고가는 ~였다 It was rough walking[a hard journey] through the jungle to the next village. 그들은 ~로 이름난 길에 다다랐다 They came to
  • 국제열대농업센터    International Center for Tropical Agriculture
  • 열핵    열핵 [熱核] ~의 thermonuclear.▷ 열핵 무기 a thermonuclear weapon; a thermonuke.▷ 열핵 미사일[탄두] a thermonuclear missile[warhead].▷ 열핵 반응 (a) thermonuclear reaction.▷ 열핵 실험[전쟁] a thermonuclear test[war].▷ 열핵 융합[
  • 융합    융합 [融合] fusion; [조화] harmony. 핵~ nuclear fusion. 민족의 ~ a blending of races. 두 나라의 ~은 무척 어렵다 Harmony between the two nations is hard to bring about. ~하다 fuse[blend] into one; merge; unite; become mer
  • 대합실    대합실 [待合室] (역 등의) a waiting room; (은행 등의) a lobby. 1등 ~ the first-class waiting room.
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