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귀거래 영어로

"귀거래" 예문"귀거래" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 귀거래 [歸去來] homecoming after one's resignation from a government office.
  • 귀거래 (드라마)    The Way We Were (2018 TV series)
  • 붉은귀거북    Red-eared slider
  • 거래    거래 [去來] transaction; dealings; business; trade; a deal; (돈거래) lending and borrowing. 공정 ~ fair trade[transactions] / straight dealings / a square deal. 금전 ~ lending and borrowing money / (매수) bribe
  • 거래소의 거래    stock exchange
  • 거래 단위    block
  • 거래 비용    Transaction cost
  • 거래선    거래선 [去來先] [고객] a customer; a client; (거래 관계자) a business acquaintance; (전체) a (business) connection; (지방에 있는) a correspondent.
  • 거래소    거래소 [去來所] an exchange; (주식) a stock exchange[market]. 미곡[곡물] ~ a rice[grain] exchange. ~의 시세 an exchange quotation.▷ 거래소 세법 the Exchange Tax Act.▷ 거래소 중개인 a stock[an exchange] broker.
  • 거래액    turnover
  • 거래원    trader
  • 거래자    supplier; merchant; seller; dealer; businessman; trader
  • 거래점    business office; customer
  • 거래처    business relations; customer; contact
  • 뒷거래    뒷거래 [-去來] backdoor[illegal] dealing[business]. 대통령은 야당과 ~를 한 것 같다 President seems to have made a secret deal with the opposition (party).
  • 무기 거래    Weapons trade
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