극작 영어로
"극작" 예문"극작" 뜻
영어 번역
- 극작 [劇作] playwriting.
~하다 write a play[drama].▷ 극작가 a dramatist; a playwright.▷ 극작법 dramaturgy.
- 극작가 dramatist; dramaturgist; dramaturge
- 극작술 dramaturgy; dramatics; theatre; performing arts; front of house
- 극작품 playhouse; theater
- 가부키 극작가 Kabuki playwrights
- 극작가의 dramaturgic
- 나라별 극작가 Dramatists and playwrights by nationality
- 독일의 극작가 German dramatists and playwrights
- 미국의 극작가 American dramatists and playwrights
- 소련의 극작가 Soviet dramatists and playwrights
- 영국의 극작가 British dramatists and playwrights
- 오태석 (극작가) Oh Taeseok
- 인도의 극작가 Indian dramatists and playwrights
- 일본의 극작가 Japanese dramatists and playwrights
- 존 퍼드 (극작가) John Ford (dramatist)
- 중국의 극작가 Chinese dramatists and playwrights
- 1.2 London and theatrical career
1.3 런던과 극작 활동