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극진히 영어로

"극진히" 예문"극진히" 뜻"극진히" 중국어

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  • dearly
  • cordially
  • 극진    극진 [極盡] cordiality; heartiness; utter devotion. ~하다 very kind; cordial; hearty; hospitable; devoted. ~한 대접 heartwarming hospitality. 나는 ~한 간호를 받았다 I was nursed with great care. / I was given the bes
  • 극진한    xenial; welcoming
  • 극진가라데    Full contact karate
  • 극진회관    Kyokushin
  • 북극진동    Arctic oscillation
  • 오극진공관    pentode
  • 극찬    극찬 [極讚] high praise. ~을 받다 win high praise. 소년은 선행을 하여 ~을 받았다 The boy was highly praised for his good conduct. ~하다 praise sky-high; speak very highly of . 두 사람의 음악 평론가가 이 젊은 지휘자를 ~했다 Two music crit
  • 극채색    극채색 [極彩色] rich[brilliant] coloring[colouring]. ~의 richly colored / colorful / (야한 느낌의) gaudy.
  • 극초강대국    Hyperpower
  • 극지탐험가    Polar explorers
  • 극초단파    극초단파 [極超短波] microwave; 『통신』 ultrahigh frequency(略 UHF). ~ 스펙트럼 a microwave spectrum.


  • Only for our most distinguished guests.
    극진히 모셔야 하는 손님들께만 드리는 거죠
  • How has Norm been treating you fellas?
    노먼이 극진히 대접하던가?
  • They looked after us as best they could till we found a ship that would carry us home.
    그들은 우릴 극진히 돌봐줬고 고향으로 가는 배에 태워줬네
  • Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men.
    누구도 부당하게 대하지 말고, 모든 사람을 극진히 대하라.
  • It was the end of a great deal of worry and heartache.
    윤승준을 사윗감으로 극진히 대해 주었을까요?
  • 4:5 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord.
    시 48:1 여호와는 광대하시니 우리 하나님의 성 거룩한 산에서 극진히 찬송하리로다
  • 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    여호와는 위대하시니 우리 하나님의 성 거룩한 산에서 극진히 찬양 받으시리로다2.
  • For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.
    여호와는 광대하시니 극진히 찬양할 것이요 모든 신보다 경외할 것임이여
  • 96:4 For great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised! He is to be feared above all gods.
    96:4 여호와는 광대하시니 극진히 찬양할 것이요 모든 신보다 경외할 것임이여
  • 16:25 For great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised: He also is to be feared above all gods.
    16:25 여호와는 광대하시니 극진히 찬양할 것이요 모든 신보다 경외할 것임이여
  • 예문 더보기:  1  2  3
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