근접격 영어로
영어 번역
- Adessive case
- 근접 근접 [近接] approach; nearing; close contact; approximation; 『天』 appulse; 『心』 contiguity. ~하다 draw near; come[go] close ; approach. ~한 neighboring[ neighbouring / nearby] / [인접한] contiguous[adjacent] .
- 근접 대수 Incidence algebra
- 근접 센서 Proximity sensor
- 근접 조우 Close encounter
- 근접어 close word
- 근접한 approximate
- 근접 (천문학) Appulse
- 근접 발달 영역 Zone of proximal development
- 근접무기 Melee weapons
- 근접촬영 Macro photography
- 위험 따위의 근접 presence
- 유효한 근접 폭격 near miss
- 최근접 이웃 탐색 Nearest neighbor search
- 최근접 점쌍 문제 Closest pair of points problem
- 근접항공지원 Close air support