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금력 영어로

"금력" 예문"금력" 뜻"금력" 중국어

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  • 금력 [金力] the power of money[wealth]; the influence of money.
    ~으로 by employing[using] one's financial power / under[through] the influence of money / by force of money.
    무력과 ~ sword and purse.
    ~에 좌우되다 be influenced by money.▷ 금력가 [-家] a plutocrat; a gold bug.▷ 금력 결혼 marriage forced by the influence of money.▷ 금력 만능[숭배] mammonism.▷ 금력 정치 plutocracy.
  • 금란지계    금란지계 [金蘭之契] close[fast] friendship.
  • 금란의 들판    Field of the Cloth of Gold
  • 금련산역    Geumnyeonsan station
  • 금란교회    Kumnan Methodist Church
  • 금련화    nasturtium
  • 금란    baldachin
  • 금렵    금렵 [禁獵] prohibition of shooting[hunting]. ~하다 prohibit the hunting[shooting] .▷ 금렵기 the closed season; the close time[season].▷ 금렵 조수 [-鳥獸] forbidden game▷ 금렵지[구] a (game / hunting) preserve; a (w
  • 금띠    금띠 [金-] golden belt[band / sash / girdle].
  • 금렵구    preserve; nature reserve
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