금욕적으로 영어로
"금욕적으로" 예문"금욕적으로" 뜻
영어 번역
- claustral
- conventual
- cloistered
- cloistral
- monastic
- 금욕적인 abstinent; characterized by self-denial; self-restraining; abstemious
- 금욕 금욕 [禁慾] abstinence; ascetic practice; (성욕의) continence / sexual abstinence. 정기 ~ periodical continence. ~ 생활을 하다 lead an ascetic[continent] life. ~하다 control one's passions and desires; be ascetic[c
- 금욕 금욕 Celibacy
- 간접적으로 indirectly
- 감상적으로 piteously
- 강제적으로 impressively; weightily; forcibly; accessively
- 개인적으로 individually
- 객관적으로 objectively
- 결론적으로 eventually; at last; finally
- 결정적으로 decisively; conclusively
- 경멸적으로 disdainfully; scornfully; contemptuously
- 경제적으로 economically
- 계속적으로 non-stop; every five minutes
- 계획적으로 studiedly; intentionally; according to plan; designedly; deliberately; purposely; purposefully; scienter; advertently; advisedly; on purpose; wittingly
- 공상적으로 amatorially