로그인 회원가입

기소인부절차 영어로


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  • Arraignment
  • 기소 절차    indictment
  • 부절    Fu (tally)
  • 인부    인부 [人夫] a labo(u)rer; a coolie; a hand; a navvy. 철도 ~ a lineman / a railway worker. 공사판의 ~ a construction laborer / a navvy.▷ 인부 십장 a foreman; a coolie-master.
  • 소인    소인 [小人] [어린이] a child; a minor; a little one; [난쟁이] a little man; a pigmy; a dwarf; (겸칭) I; me; myself; [소인물] a small-minded person; a mean[small] man; a person who doesn't count for much; a nobody
  • 절차    절차 [節次] [순서] a procedure; a process; [법률·규칙상 필요한 것] formalities; [단계] steps; (소송의) proceedings. 소송 ~ legal proceedings. 수출 ~ export procedure. 법률상의 번거로운 ~ the cumbersome processes of the law. ~상의 문제
  • 기소    기소 [起訴] (형사상의) prosecution; indictment; legal proceedings. 불~ 처분 a disposition not to institute a public action. ~하다 (검사가) prosecute[indict] ; charge ; bring in an indictment ; (민사에서) institute an a
  • 부절제    부절제 [不節制] intemperance; excesses; immoderation.
  • 벌목 인부    lumberman; lumberer
  • 부두 인부    longshoreman
  • 아인부    Anh Vu
  • 인부 분해    factoring; factorisation
  • 종인부    Imperial Clan Court
  • 죄상 인부    arraignment
  • 포장 인부    paver
  • 기소정 기소정    Kiso, Nagano (town)
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