로그인 회원가입

꾀다 영어로

"꾀다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 어루꾀다    어루꾀다 wheedle; coax; cajole; lure[tempt / seduce / inveigle] by flattery. 그는 나를 어루꾀어 돈을 빼앗았다 He wheedled the money out of me.
  • 감언이설로 꾀다    wheedle
  • 꾀꾀    꾀꾀 병으로 몸이 ~ 마르다 become worn out from illness / be pulled down by one's illness. 그의 얼굴은 ~ 말랐다 His face is drawn and haggard. ~하다 lean[thin / meager] .
  • 꾀꼴꾀꼴    꾀꼴꾀꼴 warbling and warbling; singing away (of an oriole). ~ 울다 warbles away / trill / sing.
  • 꾀를 부리는    politic
  • 꾀꼬리버섯목    Cantharellales
  • 꾀를 쓰는    politic
  • 꾀꼬리버섯    Cantharellus cibarius
  • 꾀많은    smartish; hardly; like gangbusters; for all one is worth; forcefully
  • 꾀꼬리과    oriole
  • 꾀바르다    꾀바르다 crafty; clever; shrewd; cunning; sly ; smart . 꾀바르게 굴다 act smartly[sly].
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