나다 영어로
"나다" 예문"나다" 뜻"나다" 중국어
영어 번역
- 나다11 [태어나다] be born; come into the world; come into being[existence].
날 때부터 from (the day of) birth.
내가 난 고장 my birthplace.
나서 여태까지 ever since my birth[I was born] / in (all) my born days.
미국에서 ~ be born in America.2 [자라다] grow; [돋아나다] come out; bud (out); spring up; sprout.
비 온 뒤에 난 죽순 bamboo shoots[sprouts] after a rain.
깃털이 다 난 새[아직 깃털이 다 나지 않은 새] a full-fledged[an unfledged] bird.
풀이 ~ grass grows[sprouts].
이가 ~ cut a tooth / erupt.
싹이 ~ bud (out) / sprout / spring up.
턱에 수염이 ~ one's chin sprouts a beard.
깃털이 난다 A bird grows wings[feathers its wings].
뜰에 이름 모를 풀이 나고 있다 Some unknown plant is coming up in the garden.
이 식물은 고산 지대에 난다 This plant grows in alpine regions.
이 아이는 첫 이가 났다 This child has cut his first tooth.
이 아이는 이가 막 나려 하고 있다 The baby is teething.
이 약을 쓰면 머리털이 납니다 This medicine will grow hair on your head.
소년은 턱수염이 나기 시작했다 The boy has begun to develop a beard.
사슴의 가지진 뿔은 봄에 떨어지고 또 새 뿔이 난다 Deer shed their antlers in the spring and then grow new ones.
콩 심은 데 콩 난다 <속담> One must sow before one can reap.3 [흘러나오다] flow[run / gush] out; spring (from).
샘이 ~ a fountain flows.
눈물이 ~ tears flow / tears come into one's eyes.
콧물이 ~ have a running nose / one's nose runs[drips].
땀이 ~ sweat / perspire.4 [발생하다] happen; come to pass[happen]; come about; occur; take place; turn up; break out; rise; arise; spring[come] up.
연기가 ~ have smoke / be smoky / smoke rise[goes up].
사건이 ~ have an incident / an incident happens[occurs / takes place].
홍수가 ~ have a flood / a flood rises.
고장이 ~ break (down) / have[there is] a breakdown / get out of order /go[be] wrong .
사고가 ~ have an accident / an accident happens.
야단이 ~ have trouble[a fuss] / difficulties arise[break out].
탈이 ~ run into a hitch[hindrance / trouble] / get[become] ill(병나다).
전쟁이 났다 A war broke out.
옆집에서 불이 났다 The fire broke out in the house next door.
그 도시에 홍수가 났다 The town was flooded.
그에게 사고가 났음이 틀림없다 An accident must have happened to him.5 [길·구멍이 생기다] be built; be constructed; be made; be open(ed).
새 길이 났다 A new road is built[opened].
구멍이 났다 A hole is made[opened].
골짜기로 내려가는 길이 나 있다 A road leads down the valley.
작년에 이 읍으로 철도가 났다 A railway was built to this town last year.6 [감정·생각 등이 들다] occur; feel.
성이 ~ get[become / grow] angry.
심술이 ~ get cross[cranky] / become perverse.
생각이 ~come into one's mind / occur to one / remember / recollect.
흥이 ~ get merry[excited].
재미가 ~ become interesting / be interested.
싫증이 ~ become sick[tired / weary]/ lose interest / (음식에) be fed up .
…할 마음이 ~ be[feel] inclined/ feel like .
막판에 와서 용기가 나지 않았다 My courage failed me at the last moment.7 [약효·능률 등이 생기다] get; take; produce.
약효가 ~ tell[act / work]/ talk effect.
열성이 ~ get enthusiastic / become assiduous.
능률이 ~ become efficient / produce efficiency.8 [생산되다] be produced; be yielded; be raised; be grown; be found.
대구에서 사과가 난다 Apples are grown in Taegu.
이 지방은 쌀이 많이 난다 This part of the country yields much rice.
이 밭에서는 밀이 난다 This field yields wheat.
이 지방에서는 감자가 많이 난다 A lot of potatoes are produced in this area.
이 광산에서 금이 난다 Gold is found in this mine.9 [이익이 생기다] issue; accrue ; be derived; be obtained.
토지에서 나는 이익 profits issuing[accruing] from lands.10 (냄새가) smell; (맛이) taste.
좋은[나쁜] 냄새가 ~ smell sweet[nasty].
맛이 ~ be tasty / taste good[nice] / be delicious.
매운 맛이 ~ have a hot[biting] taste / be hot to the taste.
신맛이 ~ taste sour / be sour to the taste.
장미꽃 향기가 ~ have scents[a scent] of a rose.11 (소리가) sound; come out[forth]; make a sound[noise].
높은[날카로운] 소리가 ~ sound loud[shrill].
박수 소리가 난다 There is a handclap.
문 두드리는 소리가 난다 There is a knock at the door.12 (티가) have an air[a look]; look like; look; show.
장사꾼티가 나는 사람 a man looking like a shopkeeper / a man apparently a merchant.
시골티가 ~ wear a rustic[countrified] air / have a bit of the country about one / look rustic.
학자티가 ~ have the air of a scholar / have a smack of the pedant / be scholarlike[scholarly].13 (병 등이) get; become; have.
병이 ~ <美> get sick / <英> fall[be taken] ill.
기침이 ~ have a cough / cough.
상처가 ~ be[get] wounded[hurt / injured].
열이 ~ become feverish / run[develop] a fever / come to have fever.
구역질이 ~ feel like vomiting / suffer from nausea / feel sick(ish).
그는 감기로 몸에 열이 났다 He ran a fever because of his cold.
그것을 보고 구역질이 났다 The sight made me sick.
그녀는 어젯밤부터 고열이 나고 있다 She has had a high fever since last night.14 (흔적·흠·결말 등이) leave; turn out (to be); come out as a result; result[end] in.
자국이 ~ leave a trace (behind).
흠집이 ~ flaw / crack / have a flaw[crack] / leave a scar.
결말이 ~ be settled / come[be brought] to a conclusion.
끝장이 ~ come[be brought] to an end / be finished.
결딴 ~ be spoilt[ruined] / go to ruin[pieces].
가루가 ~ turn to powder / get crushed / get ground.
동이 ~ become scarce / run short.15 [더해지다] gain ; gather.
속력이 ~ gain in velocity / gather speed.
힘이 ~ gain strength / (기운이) cheer up / take heart.16 (눈밖에).
눈밖에 ~ get out of favor / be in bad graces / <口> be in bad with / <口> get in wrong with .17 [인품이 뛰어나다] be outstanding[eminent / distinguished]; [잘생기다] be good-looking[handsome]; be well-favored.
난 사람 an outstanding person / an extraordinary character / <俗> a bigwig.
못~ be ugly[plain / <美> homely].
난 체하다 look big / give[put] oneself airs.18 [나타나다] appear; make one's appearance; turn[show] up.
시장에 사과가 났다 Apples appeared in[on] the market.
그 시대에는 많은 충신이 났다 The age was productive of many loyal subjects.19 (명성·소문 등이) acquire; circulate.
명성이 ~ acquire[win / gain] fame / win one's renown / win[gain / earn / acquire / achieve] a reputation.
소문이 ~ a rumor circulates[gets abroad] / a rumor is abroad[current / in circulation] about ‥.
그는 여색에 빠져 있다고 평판이 나 있다 He has the reputation of being a womanizer.20 [기재되다] be recorded[mentioned / registered / listed]; be put on ; be given. ; tide over; go[get] through.
신문에 ~ appear[be printed / be reported] in a newspaper / be carried[published] in a daily.
그 사건은 신문에 났다 The affair appeared[was reported] in the papers. / The newspapers carried an account of the affair.21 [틈이 생기다] be vacated; become vacant[empty]; empty; open up.
시간이 ~ be free / have leisure[spare time].
자리가 났다 A place[job / seat] opened up[became available].
방이 났다 A room was available[vacant].
빈 집이 났다 A house was vacant (for rent).22 (계절을) pass
겨울을 ~ pass the winter / see winter through / winter.
외투 없이 겨울을 ~ go through the winter without an overcoat.23 (나이가).
여덟 살 난 아이 a child of eight.
열두 살 난 여학생 a twelve-year-old schoolgirl.24 [되다].
탄로 ~ be disclosed[revealed].나다21 [계속되어 나아가다] keep[go on].
차차 자라나면 알게 될 것이다 If you grow older, you'll come to understand it.2 [완료되다] have (just) finished.
한잠 자고 나니 정신이 새롭다 I have had a nap and now I feel much refreshed.
할 말을 하고 나니 속이 후련했다 After I had said my say I felt my mind unburdened[as if a burden had been lifted off my mind].
숙제를 끝내고 나니 마음이 놓인다 I feel much relieved to have finished my homework.
- 캐나다 캐나다 Canada
- 가나다 hangul; korean alphabet
- 갓나다 갓나다 be newly[just] born; have just started to grow; sprout. 갓난 newborn / newly born. 갓난 고양이 새끼 a newborn kitten / a kitten still wet from birth[from its mother].
- 겁나다 겁나다 [怯-] be frightened[scared]; be over come with fright; be seized with fear[panic]; get in[to] a funk. 겁나서 소리지르다 cry out for fear. 말할 수 없이 겁났다 I was scared to death. 선생님에게 들킬까봐 겁났다 I was afraid le
- 격나다 격나다 [隔-] become estranged[alienated] ; drift apart from each other. 그일 이후로 두 사람은 자연히 격났다 Since that event the two have become estranged.
- 결나다 결나다 get angry; be enraged; flare[flame] up 결나서 (남을) 때리다 beat up in a fit of anger.
- 광나다 광나다 [光-] gloss; glaze; shine; have a gloss[shine / luster / glaze]. 광나지 않다 be dull[dim / lackluster] / won't polish. 구두가 광난다 The shoes are shiny.
- 금나다 금나다 [잔금이 가다] be[become] creased[wrinkled]; [값이 정해지다] be priced; the price is fixed.
- 김이 나다 steam
- 깨나다 깨나다1 [의식을 찾게 되다] regain[recover] consciousness; return[come back] to life; come to life (again); come round (to oneself); come to oneself; be brought (back) to life; be restored from apparent death;
- 끝나다 끝나다 end; come[be brought] to an end[a close / a conclusion / a termination]; close; be concluded; be over (with); be done; terminate; [완료되다] be finished; be completed; (기한이) expire; [결과를 가져오다] resul
- 나다 (래퍼) Nada (musician)
- 나다구 Nada-ku, Kobe
- 나다르 Nadar
- 나다역 Nada Station
- You don't work for my father anymore. You work for me.
이제 네 주인은 아버지가 아니라 나다 - [Chris] I don't believe it.
말도 안 돼 세르게이, 나다 오버 - It's me, the dragon ghost.
환기 좀 시켜야겠어 나다, 용의 유령 - But I am the leader of this great army.
하지만 대군세의 지도자는 나다 - I am Moana... of Motu nui.
난 모투누이의 모아... 나다... - Come on, Lucious, it's me, bro.
제발, 루시어스, 나다, 형제 - Yes, it's fucking Larry!
래리? - 그래, 나다 - It's me. Are you sleeping?
나다 애미 자니 - Where the hell are you?
그래, 나다 어디야? - I'm right here.
매티, 매티, 매티 나다