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"날씨" 예문"날씨" 뜻"날씨" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 날씨 the weather; atmospheric conditions; the elements.
    화창한 ~ fine[fair / favorable / good] weather.
    온화한 ~ calm[mild / genial / serene] weather.
    나쁜[궂은] ~ foul[bad / nasty / rainy] weather.
    변덕스러운 ~ fickle[broken / changeable / unsettled] weather.
    음산한 ~ gloomy[oppressive] weather.
    더할 나위 없는 ~ perfect[ideal] weather.
    어떤 ~에도 in all winds and weathers / in fair weather or foul / regardless of weather.
    ~의 급변 an abrupt[a sudden change in weather].
    지금 ~로는 judging from the look of the sky.
    ~가 좋아지는 대로 on the first fine day.
    ~를 보다 have a look at the weather / read the sky.
    ~를 예보하다 make a weather forecast / forecast the weather.
    ~를 잘 맞추다 be weather-wise.
    ~를 탓하다 put down to the weather.
    그는 ~에 관계없이 매일 조깅을 한다 He jogs every day regardless of the weather.
    ~가 고르지 않다 The weather is unsettled.
    이 ~가 얼마나 갈까 How long will this weather hold[last]?
    ~가 좋으면 8시에 출발하자 If the weather permits, let's start at eight.
    ~가 심상하지 않다 The weather[sky] looks threatening.
    ~를 봐서는 내일 비가 올 것이다 Judging from the look of the sky, it will rain tomorrow.
    ~가 차차 좋아진다 The weather is changing for the better. / The weather is improving.
    이와 같은 ~가 오래 계속되지 않을 것이다 The weather will not hold so long.
    추운 ~가 여러날 계속되고 있다 The weather has been cold for several days.
    ~ 탓인지 머리가 무겁다 I feel heavy in the head, probably because of[due to] the weather.
    오늘은 겨울 ~ 같군요 It is winter weather today, isn't it?
    비가 올 ~다 We'll have falling[bad] weather. / We shall have some rain.
    이맘때치고는 ~가 꽤 춥다 It's a little too cold for this time of (the) year.
    ~가 풀렸다 The weather became warmer.
    오늘은 ~가 좋으니 산책하러 가자 Since it's a nice day, let's go for a walk.
    아마 ~때문인지 졸려 못 견디겠다 I am very sleepy, perhaps because of the weather.


  • Oh no, it's going to pour soon. What weather!
    안 되것다, 또 한바탕 쏟아지겄는디 아, 그놈의 날씨
  • So you're saying the blackout is weather related?
    그래서 네 말은 이 정전이 날씨 때문이라고?
  • Pacific Northwest, my ass. I hate this weather.
    살기 좋은 동네는 개뿔 날씨 진짜 짜증이야
  • So, how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?
    So, 정확히 어떻게 계획이 yöu Stop 이 날씨?
  • Look for brighter weather, oh watch for the Sun again
    밝은 날씨, 오 시계는 태양을 다시 찾으십시오
  • She must be especially careful when the weather changes.
    특히 날씨 바뀔 때 주의해야 합니다
  • Seems more people hate banks when the sun's out.
    날씨 좋으면 은행 가기 싫은가 봐요
  • Let's pay Maxwell Lord a visit.
    괜찮아? - 그래 난, 그냥 날씨 탓인가봐
  • Harvey, how you doing this fine day?
    하비, 이렇게 날씨 좋은 날 어떻습니까?
  • You boys discussing the weather or Audrey?
    날씨 얘기하는 거야? 아니면 오드리 얘기야?
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