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노골적임 영어로


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  • broadness
  • 노골적    노골적 [露骨的]1 [숨기지 않는] naked; plain; open; undisguised; unreserved; broad; frank; candid; blunt; outspoken; plain-spoken; straightforward. ~인 사람 an outspoken person. ~인 비평 a bareknuckle(d) criticism. ~
  • 노골적으로    baldly; abroad; frankly; candidly; openly; liberally
  • 노골적인    honest; cacuminous; spiky; candid; barbed; frank; acuminate; straightforward
  • 노골적인 표현    explicit language
  • 극도로 노골적인    aggro
  • 노골적인 성적 내용    strong sexual content
  • 노골적으로 말하는    vocal
  • 농담 따위가 노골적인    obvious
  • 성 묘사가 노골적인 도색 영화    hard porn
  • 노골    노골 [露骨] frankness; plainness; straightforwardness.
  • 적임    적임 [適任]1 [알맞음·알맞은 임무] fitness; suitability; competence. ~이 아닌 unfit / inadequate / unqualified / incompetent / inept. ~이다 be fit[suitable] / be suited / be well qualified / be competent . 수학 교사로
  • 병적임    morbidity; unhealthiness
  • 부적임    부적임 [不適任] unfitness; unsuitableness; inadequacy; incompetency. ~의 unfit / unsuitable / inadequate / unqualified / incompetent.▷ 부적임자 an unqualified[incompetent] person; an unfit[incompetent]. 그녀는
  • 비적임    비적임 [非適任] unfitness; inadequacy; incompetency; incapacity; inaptitude. ~의 unfit / inadequate / unqualified / incompetent / inapt.▷ 비적임자 an unqualified[incompetent] person; an incompetent.
  • 적임자    적임자 [適任者] a well-qualified person; a person well suited ; a competent person; the right man . 최~다 be the very man[just the man] for . 그는 ~ 다 He is the right[very] man for the position. 이 일에는 그녀가 최고의
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