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단금지교 영어로

"단금지교" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 단금지교 [斷金之交] close[warmest] friendship; a Damon-and-Pythias friendship.
    ~를 맺다 swear eternal friendship.
  • 단금지우    단금지우 [斷金之友] a sworn[devoted / bosom] friend.
  • 단금    단금 [鍛金] beating gold.
  • 지교    지교 [至交] eternal friendship; deep[close] friendship; friendship in need.지교 [智巧] wisdom and ability. ~하다 intelligent and able; wise; sagacious.
  • 금지    금지 [禁止] prohibition; inhibition; a ban; an embargo; taboo; interdiction; (발행의) suppression. 문[도어] 개방 ~ Don't Leave The Door Open. 벽보 ~ No Posters Allowed. / Post[Stick] No Bills. 주차 ~ No Parkin
  • 관포지교    관포지교 [管鮑之交] a Damon and Pythias[David and Jonathan] friendship. 그들은 ~의 사이였다 They were inseparable friends.
  • 문경지교    문경지교 [刎頸之交] [생사를 같이하는 사귐] inseparable friendship; sworn[devoted / fast] friendship. ~를 맺다 contract a lifelong friendship / pledge to eternal[close] friendship. 그와 나는 ~의 벗이다 He and I are devoted frie
  • 지란지교    지란지교 [芝蘭之交] [벗 사이에 맑고도 높은 교제] good and noble friendship.
  • 팔조지교    Eight Prohibitions
  • 개행 금지    Nowrap
  • 교제 금지    taboo; tabu
  • 금지 명령    interdict
  • 금지곡    Music censorship
  • 금지권    authoritative nullification; veto; prohibition
  • 금지당    Prohibition Party
  • 금지된    unallowed; prohibited; disallowed; forbidden; verboten; tabooed; x rated; incarcerated; unpermitted
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