답시고 영어로
"답시고" 뜻
영어 번역
- -답시고 […인체] under (the) pretence of; posing as; […할 양으로] with the intention of; with a view to.
- 시고 시고 [詩稿] a draft of a poem; a draft poem.
- 마시고 reveler; reveller
- 시고모 시고모 [媤姑母] an aunt (who is a sister of one's husband's father).▷ 시고모부 the husband of an aunt on one's husband's side.
- 시고역 Shigō Station
- 가시고기 bambino; girl; pupil; baby; offspring; greenhorn; youngster; kid; young; kiddy; booby; stopple; schoolchild; child; yearling; boy; younker; toddler; baba; kiddie; children
- 고시고에역 Koshigoe Station
- 나시고렝 Nasi goreng
- 니시고료역 Nishi-Goryō Station
- 니시고보역 Nishi-Gobō Station
- 니시고시정 Nishigoshi, Kumamoto
- 니시고촌 Nishigo, Fukushima
- 마시고 떠들기 scoot
- 시고니 위버 Sigourney Weaver
- 쑤시고 아프다 twinge
- 쑤시고 아픔 stab