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대각지배행렬 영어로

"대각지배행렬" 중국어

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  • Diagonally dominant matrix
  • 대각 행렬    Diagonal matrix
  • 3중 대각 행렬    Tridiagonal matrix
  • 5중 대각 행렬    Pentadiagonal matrix
  • 7중 대각 행렬    Heptadiagonal matrix
  • 대각화 가능 행렬    Diagonalizable matrix
  • 반대각 행렬    Anti-diagonal matrix
  • 배행    배행 [陪行]1 [윗사람을 모시고 따라감] accompanying[following] one's superior. ~하다 attend[accompany / go with] .2 =배웅.
  • 각지    각지 [各地] every[each] place[district / area]; [여러 지방] various places; various parts of the country; [전 지방] all parts of the country. ~에 everywhere / in several places. 세계 ~로부터 from all over[from every
  • 대각    대각 [對角] 『數』 the opposite angle. ~의 방향으로 diagonally / obliquely.▷ 대각면 [-面] a diagonal plane.▷ 대각 행렬 diagonal matrix.대각 [大覺] attainment of divine enlightenment; perception of absolute truth. ~하다 attai
  • 지배    지배 [支配] [처리] management; [관리] control; superintendence; [통치] rule; government; domination; sway; overlordship; [지휘] direction; guidance; 『心』 ascendance; 『문법』 government. 환경의 ~를 받다 be at the mercy of
  • 행렬    행렬 [行列]1 (쇼핑이나 극장의) a queue; [행진] a procession; a parade. 가장 ~ a masquerade parade. 연등[깃발] ~ a lantern[flag] parade. ~의 선두[후미] the head[tail] of a procession[queue]. 자동차의 ~ an array of cars. ~을 지어 i
  • 배행자세    perspective; viewpoint; attitude; position
  • 각지기    sharpen
  • 칠각지    Seven Factors of Awakening
  • 대각 사상    Diagonal morphism
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