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대소사 영어로

"대소사" 예문"대소사" 뜻"대소사" 중국어

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  • 대소사 [大小事] matters great and small; all-sorts of matters; any and every thing.
    ~를 맡기다 leave everything to care[discretion].
  • 대소    대소 [大小] [대와 소] great and small sizes; [크기] (relative) size; dimensions; magnitude. ~의 large and[or] small / of all[many / several / various] sizes. ~의 섬들 islands of various[all] sizes. ~에 따라 accordi
  • 소사    소사 [小史] a short history; a historical sketch.소사 [小使] an errand boy; a servant; a janitor; a messenger; an office boy; a caretaker.소사 [小辭] 『論』 a minor term.소사 [掃射] machine-gunning; strafe; volley (of
  • 소사시 소사시    Sōsa
  • 대소변    대소변 [大小便] [변] urine and feces; [용변] urination and defecation. ~을 보다 relieve oneself[nature] / ease nature.
  • 대소상    대소상 [大小祥] the first and the second anniversaries of death.
  • 대소수    대소수 [帶小數] 『數』 a number with a decimal.
  • 대소왕    daeso
  • 대소장    대소장 [大小腸] the large and small intestines.
  • 악대소    ox
  • 내소사    Naesosa
  • 루벤 소사    Rubén Sosa
  • 맙소사    맙소사 Oh, no!; Good God[Lord / me]!; Good gracious[heavens]!; Gracious Heaven[goodness]!; Gracious!; Goodness!; Save us!; My eye(s)!
  • 새미 소사    Sammy Sosa
  • 소사 시    sōsa
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