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"대체육" 예문"대체육" 중국어

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  • Meat analogue
  • 대체    대체 [大體]1 [개요] an outline; a summary; an epitome; an adumbration; the gist; the substance; the drift; the tenor; [취지] the purport; [요점] the principal parts; the main[chief] point(s). 사건의 ~ the sum an
  • 체육    체육 [體育] physical training[culture]; the physical upbuilding ; (교과명) physical education; [체조] gymnastics; [운동] athletics. ~의 날 Health Sports Day. ~을 장려하다 encourage physical culture.▷ 체육가 a physical e
  • 체육 체육    Physical education
  • 대체 역사 대체 역사    Alternate history
  • 글꼴 대체    font substitution
  • 대체 계획    contingency plan
  • 대체 동맥    bypass
  • 대체 동작    fallback action
  • 대체 언어    fallback language
  • 대체 연료    Alternative fuel
  • 대체 통화    alternate currency
  • 대체 현실    Alternate reality
  • 대체 혈관    bypass
  • 대체 혈액    Blood substitute
  • 대체로    대체로 [大體-] generally; in general; generally speaking; as a rule. 이탈리아인은 ~ 쾌활하다 Generally (speaking), Italians are cheerful. 아이들의 건강이 ~ 향상했다 Children's health has in general improved. 한국 사람은 ~ 성질이 급하다
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