덜미잡이 영어로
"덜미잡이" 뜻
영어 번역
- 덜미잡이 grabbing by the back[scruff] of one's neck; grapple.
~하다 grab[take / seize] by the scruff of his neck[by the collar]; grapple with; get a grapple on.
- 개미잡이 개미잡이 『鳥』 a wryneck.
- 덜미 덜미 ☞ 뒷덜미♣ 덜미를 누르다 call upon ; give a hard time .♣ 덜미(를) 짚다⑴ =덜미잡이하다(☞ 덜미잡이).⑵ [몹시 재촉하다] press hotly; urge .
- 뒷덜미 뒷덜미 the nape; the scruff; the back of one's neck. ~를 잡다 seize[take / grasp] by the nape of the neck. 고양이의 ~를 잡아 들어올리다 pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck.
- 등덜미 등덜미 the upper part of the back; [뒷덜미] the nape; the scruff (of the neck). ~를 치다 pat on the back. ~를 붙잡다 seize[take] by the nape[scruff] of the neck.
- 목덜미 목덜미 the nape[back / scruff] of the neck. 고운 ~ a charming nape. ~를 붙잡다 seize[grab] by the collar. ~가 춥다 The back of my neck feels cold. 그는 소년의 ~를 잡았다 He seized the boy by the scruff of his neck.
- 빌미잡다 빌미잡다 [빌미로 삼다] attribute to; blame .
- 목덜미선 Nuchal lines
- 양의 목덜미 고기 scrag
- 감잡이 감잡이1 [거멀쇠] a splice plate[a joint bar] (of a pillar); a large metal staple; iron fastenings.2 [수건] a towel used after sexual intercourse.
- 길잡이 길잡이1 [도표] a guidepost; a guideboard; a fingerpost; a signpost; a direction post; a way post.2 [지침] a guiding principle; a guideline; [안내서] a guide ; a handbook; a manual. 작문의 ~ hints on composition.
- 다잡이 다잡이 supervising strictly; exercising strict supervision. ~하다 =다잡다.
- 드잡이 드잡이1 [격투] a grapple; grips; handgrips; a scuffle; a wrestle; a grappling; a scrimmage; a rough and tumble fight. 말다툼이 끝내는 ~가 되었다 Their quarrel ended in a fist[rough-and-tumble] fight. ~하다 grapple ;
- 막잡이 막잡이1 [막쓰는 물건] a crude[rough] article for careless use; [잡동사니] odds and ends; sundries.2 → 마구잡이
- 맏잡이 맏잡이 [맏아들] one's eldest son; [맏며느리] one's eldest daughter-in-law; the wife of one's eldest son.