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뒤통수힘살 영어로

"뒤통수힘살" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Occipitalis muscle
  • 뒤통수    뒤통수 the back (part) of the head; 『解』 the occiput .
  • 뒤통수 치기    rabbit punch
  • 뒤통수뼈    occipital bone
  • 뒤통수치다    뒤통수치다 [낙담하다] be dejected; get disappointed[dispirited]; lose heart.
  • 뒤통수이마근    Occipitofrontalis muscle
  • 힘살    muscle; musculus
  • 통수    통수 [統帥] the supreme[high] command. ~하다 command; have the supreme command . 육해공군의 ~자 the supreme commander of the army, navy and air force. 삼군[전군]을 ~하다 command all the armed forces.▷ 통수권 the prerogat
  • 계통수    계통수 [系統樹] (언어의) a genealogical[family] tree.
  • 외통수    Checkmate
  • 이마힘살    Frontalis muscle
  • 교통수단    Mode of transport
  • 수직 교통수단    Vertical transport devices
  • 계통수 생명의 나무 (과학)    Tree of life (biology)
  • 뒤퉁스럽다    뒤퉁스럽다 [미련하다] stupid; thickheaded; foolhardy; senseless; [서투르다] bungling; clumsy; awkward. 뒤퉁스러운 사람 a bungler / a botcher. 뒤퉁스런 짓 a blunder. 사람이 뒤퉁스러워 일을 잘 저지른다 He is such a thick-headed fellow he ma
  • 뒤틀다    뒤틀다1 [비틀다] twist; wrench; screw; distort; warp. 팔을 ~ wrench[twist] arm / give a twist to arm. 허리를 왼쪽으로 ~ twist[turn] one's hip to the left. 고통으로 몸을 ~ be convulsed with pain / writhe in great agony
  • 뒤틀리게 하다    bemuddle
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