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들이밀리다 영어로

"들이밀리다" 뜻

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  • 들이밀리다1 (안으로) be pushed[thrust / shoved] in(to).
    방구석에 ~ be pushed into the corner of a room.
    인파에 들이밀려 이야기도 못했다 We could not even speak with each other because of the press of people.2 (한곳으로) gather[flock] (together); crowd; swarm; <口> gang up; make[rush] for.
    (행락으로) 사람이 들이밀리는 곳 a favorite haunt / a pleasure resort.
    그곳은 여름만 되면 사람이 많이 들이밀린다 In summer the place attracts many visitors.
    예금자들이 은행에 들이밀렸다 The depositors besieged the bank.
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