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무상상 영어로


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  • Aphantasia
  • 무상    무상 [無上] ~의 =~하다. ~의 기쁨 the greatest[supreme] pleasure / the greatest[sweetest] joy / perfect joy / unequaled pleasure. 이 상을 받은 것은 ~의 영광입니다 I feel[deem] it the highest honor to be awarded this prize.
  • 상상    상상 [想像] imagination; (a) fancy; [가정] (a) supposition; [추측] (a) guess; (a) conjecture. ~의 imaginary / fanciful / fancy / fancied / [가정적인] supposed. 단지 ~에 의거하다 be based on mere supposition. ~으로 그리다 se
  • 상상상    reportedly; supposedly; purportedly; soi-disant; supposively
  • 상상 상상력    Imagination
  • 상상상의    imaginative; imaginary; based on supposition; suppositional
  • 공무상    officially
  • 무상시    무상시 [無常時] any time at all; an irregular time; an unspecified[unstated] time; all the time.
  • 무상의    mutable; unstable; changeable; uncertain
  • 무상한    short-lived; passing; ephemeral; transient; fleeting; shortlived; fugacious; transitory
  • 상상 임신    pseudopregnancy; false pregnancy; pseudocyesis
  • 상상계    The Imaginary (Sartre)
  • 상상된    supposed; conjectural; imagined; purported
  • 상상력    상상력 [想像力] imaginative power[faculty]; (power of) imagination. ~이 있는 imaginative. ~을 발휘하다 exercise one's imagination. ~이 풍부하다[부족하다] be imaginative[unimaginative] / have a vigorous[little] imagination
  • 상상봉    상상봉 [上上峰] the highest peak .
  • 상상의    imaginary; fanciful; hypothetical; opinative; conjectural; imagined; doxastic; hypothetic
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