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물장사 영어로

"물장사" 뜻"물장사" 중국어

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  • 물장사 [물판매업] water-selling; [술집 영업] a gay trade.
    ~하는 여자 a woman of the gay world / a gay lady.
    ~ 집에서 일하는 여자 a woman working in a bar or a cabaret.
  • 방물장사    방물 장사 selling women's items from door to door.
  • 장사    장사 business; commerce; trade; [거래] a transaction; a deal. 음식[술]~ the restaurant[liquor] business. 수지가 맞는[괜찮은] ~ a profitable[paying] business. 수지 안 맞는 ~ a nonpaying business. ~의 요령[비결] a trick of th
  • 물장구    물장구1 [장단] drumming on gourd vessels turned over on the water.2 (헤엄칠 때) the beating; the flutter kick; the thrash. ~ 치다 make flutters[flutter kicks] / swim with the thrash.
  • 물장군    Lethocerus deyrollei
  • 물장난    물장난1 dabbling in water; playing with water. ~하다 play[dabble] in the water; play with water.2 [홍수의 재앙] a flood disaster.
  • 물장수    물장수 a water-seller; water-bearer.
  • 제물장    제물장 [-欌] a fixture.
  • 물장군과 물장군과    Belostomatidae
  • 밥장사    밥장사 the boiled rice trade; restaurant business. ~하다 run a restaurant; sell meals; run an eating house; trade in boiled rice.
  • 뱃장사    뱃장사 ~하다 peddle (small) merchandise with a boat[bumboat].▷ 뱃장사꾼 a bumboat man.
  • 분장사    Make-up artist
  • 술장사    술장사 [주류 판매] liquor(-selling) business[trade].
  • 옥장사    옥장사 ☞ 오그랑장사
  • 장사 구역    walk
  • 장사성    Zhang Shicheng
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