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뭉뚝한 영어로

"뭉뚝한" 예문"뭉뚝한" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • stunted
  • stublike
  • 짧고 뭉뚝한 나무 토막    chump
  • 뭉뚝하다    뭉뚝하다 blunt; stumpy; stubby. 뭉뚝한 연필 a stubby pencil. 뭉뚝한 끝 a blunt point[edge]. 뭉뚝한 손가락 stubby fingers.
  • 무뚝뚝한    snub; glum; cavalier; brief; curt; snooty; offhand
  • 무뚝뚝한 남자    churl
  • 무뚝뚝한 사람    yahoo
  • 태도가묵뚝뚝한    angular; angled
  • 뭉뚝날개나방과 뭉뚝날개나방상과    Choreutidae
  • 뭉뚱그리다    뭉뚱그리다1 [대강 싸다] wrap[pack / do] up in a slipshod way; throw together hastily; bundle up crudely. 짐을 ~ bundle up a package crudely.2 [총괄하다] lump[put] together; sum up. 전부 뭉뚱그려서 all put together / in
  • 뭉떵뭉떵    뭉떵뭉떵 lump after lump; chunk after chunk; in[by] the lump; in chunks; in big lumps. 돈을 ~ 잘리다 lose great chunks of money repeatedly. 떡을 ~ 썰다 cut a rice cake into big chunks.
  • 뭉실뭉실    뭉실뭉실 ☞ 몽실몽실
  • 뭉때리다    뭉때리다1 [시치미를 떼다] feign ignorance; pretend not to know; play innocent.2 [기피하다] deliberately shirk one's duty[task].
  • 뭉우리돌    뭉우리돌 a round stone; a cobble; a boulder.
  • 뭉기다    뭉기다 [아래로 추어내리다] pull down; [뭉그러지게 하다] demolish; destroy.
  • 뭉자를 나타내는 통신 용어    india


  • And the edges would grow more ragged as the blade dulled, but none of these did.
    그리고 뭉뚝한 날 때문에 좀더 들쭉 날쭉해야 했죠
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