미당시문학관 영어로
영어 번역
- Poet Midang Memorial Hall
- 문학관 Literary museums
- 미당문학상 Midang Literary Award
- 나라별 문학관 Literary museums by country
- 석정문학관 Seokjeong Literary Museum
- 영인문학관 YoungIn Museum of Literature
- 일본의 문학관 Literary museums in Japan
- 명나라의 시문학 Ming poetry
- 소월시문학상 Sowol Poetry Prize
- 미당문학상 수상자 Midang Literary Award winners
- 고대 노르드어 시문학 Old Norse poetry
- 대한민국의 문학관 Literary museums in South Korea
- 한국현대문학관 Museum of Korean Modern Literature
- 당시 당시 [當時] at that time; in those days; then. ~의 then / of those days[times] / at that time. ~의 대통령 the then President. ~를 회상하다 recall those days. ~ 나는 어린아이였다 I was only a child then[at that time]. ~는
- 시문 시문 [時文] current literature; contemporary writings. 중국 ~ current Chinese (writing).▷ 시문체 current[newspaper] style of writing.시문 [詩文] [시와 산문] poetry and prose; [문학 작품] literary works.▷ 시문 선집 a garland
- 학관 학관 [學館] an educational institution; an academy; an (educational) institute. 영수(英數) ~ an English and mathematics institute.