믿다 영어로
"믿다" 예문"믿다" 뜻"믿다" 중국어
영어 번역
- 믿다1 [의심치 않다] believe; put belief in; credit; give credit[credence] to; put credit in; accept as true; be convinced of ; be persuaded
. for truth / accept (as true[truth]) / believe (to be true).
믿을 수 있는 credible / believable.
믿을 수 없는 이야기 an unbelievable[incredible] story / a story that passes belief.
내가 믿는 바로는 in my opinion / to the best of my belief / my belief is.
굳게 ~ firmly believe/ have a firm belief .
정말로 ~ take
남의 말을(그대로) ~ believe what a person says / take a person at his word.
남의 말을 잘 ~ be credulous / be ready to believe anything one hears.
남의 말을 잘 믿지 않다 be incredulous/ be skeptical for help; lean[reckon / calculate] on; [기대하다] expect..
나는 그가 말하는 것을 믿는다 I believe him[what he says].
내가 믿기로는 그것은 정말이다 To the best of my belief, it's true.
그녀는 남의 말을 쉽게 믿어 버린다 She is very credulous. / She readily takes people at their word.
그 문제는 믿기 어려울 정도로 복잡하였다 The matter was complicated beyond all belief.
믿건 말건 난 여왕님을 만난거야 Believe it or not, I met the Queen.
그 당시에는 지구가 평평하다고 사람들이 믿고 있었다 In those days it was believed that the earth was flat[the earth was believed to be flat].
그의 말을 믿을 수 없다 I cannot believe him. / I can't give credit to his statement.
나는 도무지 믿어지지 않는다 I'm rather inclined to doubt it.
그가 죽었다고는 도저히 믿을 수 없다 I cannot persuade[convince] myself that he is dead[of his death].
그녀는 믿을 수 없다는 몸짓을 했다 She made an incredulous gesture.2 [신뢰하다] trust; trust[believe / confide] in; have confidence in; put trust[faith] in; [의지하다] rely on; depend upon; trust to; place reliance on; look[turn] to
믿을 만한 reliable / trustworthy / dependable / to be relied[depended] upon / authentic/ authoritative. not to be trusted / not to be relied[depended] upon / unauthentic / unauthoritative.
믿을 만한 소식통 a reliable source.
믿을 만한 보도에 의하면 according to reliable[trustworthy] information.
믿을 수 없는 unreliable / undependable / untrustworthy /
믿을 수 없는 사람 an unreliable[untrustworthy] person / a dishonest person.
자신의 능력을 지나치게 ~ be overconfident of one's ability / place too much confidence in one's ability.
다수의 힘을 ~ rely on[trust to] numbers.
아들을 집안의 기둥으로 ~ rely on one's son as the prop and stay of the family.
그는 믿을 만한 친구다 He is a reliable friend. / He is a friend in deed.
나는 남편을 믿어요 I trust[have faith in] my husband.
믿을 만한 증거를 내놓으시오 Produce reliable evidence.
그는 믿을 수 없다 He is not to be trusted[relied upon].
이젠 넌 못 믿겠다 I know now that you're not to be counted on. / I don't have confidence in you any more.
여기 날씨는 믿을 수 없다 You never know about the weather here.
누구도 믿어서는 안돼 Don't trust anyone.
자네를 믿고 부탁하네 I make this request with full confidence in you.
당신을 믿고 이 일을 맡긴다 I will trust to you for the performance of the task.
나는 가장 믿었던 사람에게 배반당했다 I was betrayed by the man I had trusted most[more than anybody else].
그들은 다수임을 믿고 하고 싶은 짓을 다했다 Relying on numbers[Made confident-by the safety of numbers], they did whatever they liked.
그를 너무 믿지 말게 Don't expect too much of him.
믿는 도끼에 발등 찍힌다 <속담> Stabbed in the back[Betrayed] by one's trusted friend. / Bite the hand that feeds you.3 [확신하다] be sure of; be confident of.
나는 성공하리라 믿고 밤낮으로 최선을 다했다 I did my best day and night in the belief that I would succeed.
그들은 자기들의 승리를 굳게 믿고 있다 They were confident of their victory. / They were confident that they would win a victory.
지식은 힘이라고 나는 믿고 있다 It is my firm belief that knowledge is power.4 [신앙하다] believe; have belief[faith] ; embrace; profess; confess faith .
신을 믿는 사람 a devout person / a religious-minded person.
불교를 ~ believe[profess] in Buddhism.
하느님을 ~ believe in God / have faith in God.
아무 종교도 믿지 않다 profess no religion.
나는 귀신 따위를 믿지 않는다 I don't believe in ghosts.
- 을 믿다 believe in
- 잘못 믿다 misbelieve
- 의 신봉을 믿다 have belief in
- 존재를 믿다 believe
- 믿는 사람 believer
- 믿기어려운 unpossible; impossible
- 믿어줄래 Count On Me (EP)
- 믿기쉬운 naïve; unquestioning; born yesterday
- 믿어지지 않는 incredible; eye-popping; inconceivable; fabulous; tough; staggering; beyond belief; unbelievable; astonishing
- 믿기 힘든 전설 old wives’ tales
- 믿어지지 않음 incredibility
- 믿기 힘든 미신 old wives’ tales
- 믿에 선을 긋다 score under