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바람쟁이 영어로

"바람쟁이" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 바람쟁이 =바람둥이.
  • 바람    바람11 [공기의 움직임] a wind; (미풍) a breeze; (외풍) a draft; a draught; (돌풍) a blast[gust] (of wind); (폭풍) a storm; (외기) air; a current(선풍기 등의). 부드러운 ~ a breath of air / a gentle breeze. 살을 에는 듯한 ~ a cuttin
  • 겁쟁이    겁쟁이 [怯-] a coward; a poltroon; a funk; a faint-heart; a chicken; a mouse. 그는 대단한 ~다 He is afraid of his own shadow. / He is as timid as a hare[mouse]. 그는 진짜 ~다 He is an absolute coward.
  • 경쟁이    경쟁이 [經-] a person chanting a spell to dispel misfortune; an exorcist.
  • 고쟁이    고쟁이 a kind of loose underpants worn by women; drawers; bloomers.
  • 곤쟁이    곤쟁이 『動』 a kind of tiny shrimp.
  • 곱쟁이    곱쟁이 double; times; doubled amount. (두) ~ double / twice / two times. 그렇게 하면 돈이 ~든다 It costs twice as much as that.
  • 깍쟁이    깍쟁이1 [약빠른 사람] a shrewd person; a sharp customer; a cunning fellow; a sly dog. 서울 ~ a shrewd Seoulite. 저 서울 ~들을 조심해라 Watch out for those Seoul slickers. 그렇게 ~ 노릇하지 말아요 Don't be such a stinker.2 [인색한
  • 꾀쟁이    꾀쟁이 a man of resources[ideas]; a tricky[wily] person; a person full of wiles[schemers]. 그는 대단한 ~이다 He has more wit in his little finger than in your whole body.
  • 난쟁이    난쟁이 a dwarf; a pigmy; a midget; a manikin; a shrimp; Tom Thumb. ~의 homuncular. 서커스의 ~ a circus midget.
  • 담쟁이    담쟁이(덩굴) 『植』 an ivy. ~에 덮인 벽 an ivy-covered wall. 벽에 ~가 뻗어나게 하다 let ivies creep[trail] on the wall. 벽은 온통 ~로 덮여 있었다 The walls were covered (all over)with ivy.
  • 돌쟁이    돌쟁이 [첫돌이 된 아이] a one-year-old baby.
  • 땜쟁이    tinker
  • 떼쟁이    떼쟁이 a wayward child; a spoiled[spoilt] child; a naughty[an unruly] boy[child]; an unmanageable boy; an insistent person; person who always makes impossible[unreasonable] demands[claims].
  • 뚜쟁이    뚜쟁이 a procurer(남자); a procuress(여자); a pimp; a pander. ~질하다 pimp / pander / procure / act as a pander for. 그는 그녀의 ~였다 He was her pimp.
  • 말쟁이    말쟁이1 [마질하는 사람] a person who measures grain.말쟁이2 [말수가 많은 사람] a talkative[wordy] person; a chatterbox; a prattler; a prater; a tattler; a gossip(monger); a glib talker.
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