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바위옷 영어로

"바위옷" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 바위옷 (rock) moss; lichen.
    ~이 끼다 be covered with moss / be mossy.
  • 바위    바위 a rock; a crag(울퉁불퉁한); a reef(암초). 흔들 ~ a rocking stone / a log(g)an (stone). 한 덩어리의 ~ a block of rock. ~투성이의[~가 많은] rocky / cragged / craggy. ~처럼 단단하다 be as firm as a rock. ~를 차면 제 발부리만 아프다 If
  • 남바위    남바위 a fur-lined lady's hood.
  • 바위게    Pachygrapsus crassipes
  • 바위산    tor
  • 바위손    Selaginella tamariscina
  • 바위솔    바위솔 『植』 a houseleek; a sengreen.
  • 바위의    stony; rocky; petrous
  • 바위쥐    Rock rat
  • 바위취    바위취 『植』 a saxifrage.
  • 바위턱    rack; shelf; bookcase; bookshelf
  • 야바위    야바위 trickery; swindle; imposture; fraud; deception; a hoax; flimflam. ~치다 cheat / deceive / swindle / take[let] in / play off a fraud / play a trick . ~쳐서 …시키다 trick[ hornswoggle] into . ~에 걸려 만
  • 조바위    조바위 [여자 방한모] a women's winter hat (with earflaps).
  • 통바위    monolith
  • 12사도 바위    The Twelve Apostles (Victoria)
  • [[가위 바위 보]]    rock paper scissors; paper scissors stone
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