방관 영어로
"방관" 예문"방관" 뜻"방관" 중국어
영어 번역
- 방관 [傍觀] onlooking; looking on as a spectator; standing idle by[aside].
~적 태도를 취하다 assume the attitude of an onlooker. / assume an indifferent attitude.
~하다 look on; <文> remain a spectator[an idle onlooker]; sit[stand] by and watch; be on the hedge.
수수 ~하다 look on with folded arms / remain an unconcerned spectator.
그는 싸움을 ~하고 있었다 He stood by and watched the fight.
그들은 그저 ~할 따름이었다 They just looked on without doing anything. / They just remained spectators.
친구의 곤경을 ~하고 있을 수는 없다 I cannot be indifferent to the distress of my friend.
이대로 ~하고 있을 수는 없지 않은가 You can't get away with sitting on the fence forever[<英> for ever].▷ 방관자[인] an onlooker; a bystander; a looker-on; an idle spectator; a sideliner.
그는 어느 정도 인생을 초탈해서 ~자의 입장에서 바라보게 되었다 He became somewhat detached from life and came to see things more as a bystander.
- 방관자 looker-on; bystander; looker on; onlooker
- 소방관 fire fighter; fire-fighter
- 극동 연방관구 far eastern federal district
- 나라별 소방관 Firefighters by nationality
- 남부 연방관구 southern federal district
- 맨몸의 소방관 Naked Fireman
- 미국의 소방관 American firefighters
- 방관자 효과 Bystander effect
- 방관적 견지 sideline
- 서북 연방관구 northwestern federal district
- 소방관 직급 Firefighter ranks
- 소방관창 Fog nozzle
- 수수방관 수수 방관 [袖手傍觀] ~하다 merely watch; stand by idly and watch; look on with folded arms; sit back and watch; be[remain] an idle onlooker. 그들은 ~할 뿐이었다 They just looked on without doing anything. / They jus
- 여성 소방관 Women in firefighting
- 우랄 연방관구 urals federal district
- So I did the same for her as she did for me: zilch.
난 엄마가 네게 했던걸 똑같이 돌려줬죠. 방관.