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배기하다 영어로

"배기하다" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • ventilate
  • 기하다    기하다 [期-]1 [날짜·기한 등을 정하다] fix[decide upon] the date; set[fix] a term[time limit / deadline] ; [약속하다] promise; pledge. 가까운 장래를 기하여 in the near future. 두 사람은 재회를 기하고 헤어졌다 The two parted, pledging[promi
  • 배기    배기 [排氣] [공기를 밖으로 뽑아 냄] exhaust; 『理』 exhaustion; evacuation; [배출된 가스 등] used steam; exhaust (steam / gas); [통풍] ventilation.▷ 배기 가스 waste[exhaust] gas; exhaust fumes; (engine) exhaust.▷ 배기갱 [-坑] an e
  • 감치기하다    whip
  • 궐기하다    unite; join together; rise against; rise to action; rally
  • 극기하다    deny oneself; abhor
  • 극을 연기하다    play
  • 금기하다    forbid; tabu; taboo; prohibit
  • 대기하다    hold on; queue up; take; stand by; wait; hang on; intermit; state of readiness; wait for
  • 더하기하다    add
  • 등기하다    register
  • 명기하다    stipulate; inscribe; write expressly
  • 발기하다    propose; suggest; promote; swell; swell up; tumefy; become erect
  • 분기하다    diverge; divide; ramify; branch off
  • 사기하다    deceive; mislead; defraud; shark; cheat; swindle
  • 상기하다    blush; recollect; turn red; bring back; remember; flush
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