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배상제회 영어로

"배상제회" 중국어

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  • God Worshipping Society
  • 상제    상제 [上帝] =하느님.상제 [喪制]1 (사람) a person in mourning; a mourner. 맏~ the chief mourner. ~가 되다 be bereft of one's parents.2 (제도) the mourning custom[practice]; the ritual of mourning.
  • 제회    제회 [際會] ~하다 meet; face; confront. 위기에 ~하다 face a crisis / be confronted by an emergency. 오늘날 우리는 세계 역사상의 위기에 ~하고 있다 Today we stand at the crisis of the world's history.
  • 배상    배상 [拜上] Yours sincerely[truly / faithfully / respectfully / cordially]; Sincerely[Respectfully / Cordially] yours.배상 [賠償] reparation; indemnity; compensation; recompense; remedy; redress; indemnific
  • 날상제    날상제 [-喪制] a person newly in mourning.
  • 당 상제    emperor shang of tang
  • 맏상제    맏상제 [-喪制] the chief mourner; the eldest son of the deceased.
  • 상제구    Shangjie District
  • 현상제    developer
  • 후한 상제    Emperor Shang of Han
  • 공제회    benevolent society
  • 형제회    confrerie; confraternity; guild; companionship
  • 배상금    배상금 [賠償金] indemnities; reparations; damages; a tender. ~을 지불하다 pay indemnities[reparations]. 거액의 ~을 요구하다 demand a large indemnity / claim heavy compensation. ~을 받다 recover damages.
  • 배상꾼    배상꾼 an insolent and sly person.
  • 배상문    Bae Sang-moon
  • 배상의    compensative; compensatory
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